- import sys, random
- import os
- import pygame
- import time
- from pygame.locals import *
- import nouha_recv as bwr
- from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM
- import TaskManager
- #”重要” offLineModeをFalseにすると脳波データの通信が行われるため、UDP通信が起動していない場合にFalseにするとバグ発生の可能性あり
- offLineMode = True
- WIDTH = 3200 #ウィンドウの横サイズ
- HEIGHT = 1800 #ウィンドウの縦サイズ
- TIME = 30000 #タスクの継続時間(ミリ秒)
- BREAK_TIME = 15000 #タスク間の休憩時間(ミリ秒)
- PREP_TIME = 10000 #各タスクの「慣れ」時間(ミリ秒)
- TASK_COUNT = 10 #右、左、ニュートラルそれぞれのタスク数(デフォルトの場合それぞれ5回ずつタスクを実施)
- #UDPの準備
- HOST = ''
- PORT = 8001
- #サウンドファイルの指定
- SOUND_DIR = "sounds"
- white = (255, 255, 255)
- black = (0, 0, 0)
- screen_type = ["sound", "screen", "task"]
- text_type = {"sound":"音声再生・脳波測定中…", "screen":"画面指示・脳波測定中…", "task":"タスク指示・脳波測定中…"}
- mind_type = ["right", "left", "neutral"]
- musics = ["001", "002", "003", "420"]
- position_rect = (0, 0, 0, 0)
- position_circle = (0, 0)
- get_tick_time = [0, 0] #[before, now]
- # 指示内容を定義
- instructions = {
- "right": [
- "右手を想像して箸で食べ物を掴んでください。",
- "右手のボタンを押してください。",
- "右手のレバーを操作してください。",
- ],
- "left": [
- "左手を想像して箸で食べ物を掴んでください。",
- "左手のボタンを押してください。",
- "左手のレバーを操作してください。",
- ],
- "neutral": [
- "目を閉じてリラックスしてください。",
- "深呼吸をしてください。",
- "座禅を組んで瞑想してください。"
- ]
- }
- #アプリの初期化
- def initialize_pygame():
- try:
- pygame.init()
- screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
- get_tick_time = [pygame.time.get_ticks(), pygame.time.get_ticks()]
- return screen
- except pygame.error as e:
- print(f"Pygameの初期化エラー: \n{e}")
- sys.exit(1)
- #音声・音楽の再生
- def load_and_play_sound(filename):
- try:
- pygame.mixer.music.load(filename)
- pygame.mixer.music.play()
- except pygame.error as e:
- print(f"音楽ファイル{filename}の読み込みエラー: \n{e}")
- return False
- return True
- #脳波データの受け取りと処理
- def send_nouhadata(s, choice, mind, process):
- print_text = text_type[choice]
- print("タスク経過時間:", str(get_tick_time[1] - get_tick_time[0]), print_text)
- if offLineMode == False and get_tick_time[1] - get_tick_time[0] >= PREP_TIME:
- data, address = s.recvfrom(1024)
- process.Receive_BrainWave(nouha=data, key=mind, address=address)
- get_tick_time[1] = pygame.time.get_ticks()
- #アプリの終了時の処理
- def check_exit(s, choice, process):
- for event in pygame.event.get():
- if event.type == QUIT:
- try:
- if not offLineMode:
- send_nouhadata(s, choice, mind="quit", process=process)
- pygame.quit()
- s.close()
- sys.exit()
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"終了処理中にエラー発生: \n{e}")
- sys.exit(1)
- return False
- #メイン
- def main():
- try:
- s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
- try:
- s.bind((HOST, PORT))
- except OSError as e:
- print(f"ポート{PORT}のバインドに失敗。ポートが既に開かれている可能性があります。: \n{e}")
- return
- screen = initialize_pygame()
- process = bwr.BrainWave_Receive()
- task_manager = TaskManager.TaskManager(TASK_COUNT)
- while True:
- try:
- get_tick_time[0] = pygame.time.get_ticks()
- mind = task_manager.get_next_type("mind")
- if mind is None:
- print("すべてのタスクが完了しました。ウィンドウを閉じて終了してください。")
- while True:
- if check_exit(s, choice, process):
- break
- choice = task_manager.get_next_type("task")
- if choice != "task" and mind == "neutral":
- task_manager.sub_counts(mind, choice, 1)
- continue
- if choice == "screen" and mind != "neutral":
- try:
- load_and_play_sound(os.path.join(SOUND_DIR, "画面を注視してください.wav"))
- last_blink = pygame.time.get_ticks()
- is_visible = True
- screen.fill(black)
- #円の描画
- if mind == "right":
- position_rect = (WIDTH / 2, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
- position_circle = (WIDTH * 3 / 4, HEIGHT / 2)
- elif mind == "left":
- position_rect = (0, 0, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT)
- position_circle = (WIDTH / 4, HEIGHT / 2)
- while get_tick_time[1] - get_tick_time[0] <= TIME:
- current_time = pygame.time.get_ticks()
- if current_time - last_blink >= BLINK_INTERVAL:
- is_visible = not is_visible
- last_blink = current_time
- if is_visible:
- screen.fill(black)
- screen.fill((255, 255, 0), position_rect)
- pygame.draw.circle(screen, (255, 0, 255), position_circle, 150)
- else:
- screen.fill(black)
- pygame.display.update()
- send_nouhadata(s, choice, mind, process)
- if check_exit(s, choice, process):
- break
- screen.fill(black)
- except pygame.error as e:
- print(f"画面描画エラー: \n{e}")
- elif choice == "sound" and mind != "neutral":
- screen.fill(black)
- music_choice = random.choice(musics)
- filename = os.path.join(SOUND_DIR, music_choice+"_"+mind+".mp3")
- if not load_and_play_sound(filename):
- continue
- while pygame.mixer.music.get_busy():
- send_nouhadata(s, choice, mind, process)
- if check_exit(s, choice, process):
- break
- screen.fill(black)
- elif choice == "task":
- screen.fill(black)
- instruction = random.choice(instructions[mind])
- filename = os.path.join(SOUND_DIR, mind+"_"+instruction+".wav")
- load_and_play_sound(filename)
- print(f"[{time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}] {instruction}")
- while get_tick_time[1] - get_tick_time[0] <= TIME:
- send_nouhadata(s, choice, mind, process)
- if check_exit(s, choice, process):
- break
- load_and_play_sound(filename = os.path.join(SOUND_DIR, "タスクを終了してください.wav"))
- screen.fill(black)
- #画面の更新
- pygame.display.update()
- #タスク間の休憩
- get_tick_time[0] = pygame.time.get_ticks()
- print(f"現在の実行回数: {task_manager.get_counts()}\nタスク実行回数: {task_manager.get_taskCounts()}")
- while get_tick_time[1] - get_tick_time[0] <= BREAK_TIME:
- if check_exit(s, choice, process):
- break
- get_tick_time[1] = pygame.time.get_ticks()
- except SystemExit:
- pygame.quit()
- s.close()
- sys.exit()
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"予期せぬエラー: \n{e}")
- continue
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"重大なエラー: \n{e}")
- finally:
- try:
- pygame.quit()
- s.close()
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"終了処理中にエラーが発生しました:\n{e}")
- sys.exit(1)
- #直接起動時の処理
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
- # process = bwr.BrainWave_Receive #インスタンス作成
- # while True:
- # timeClock.tick(250)
- # mind = random.choice(mind_type)
- # choice = random.choice(screen_type)
- # if choice == "screen" and mind != "neutral":
- # screen.fill(black)
- # #円の描画
- # if mind == "right":
- # position_rect = (width / 2, 0, width, height)
- # position_circle = (width * 3 / 4, height / 2)
- # elif mind == "left":
- # position_rect = (0, 0, width / 2, height)
- # position_circle = (width / 4, height / 2)
- # screen.fill((255, 255, 0), position_rect)
- # pygame.draw.circle(screen, (255, 0, 255), position_circle, 150)
- # pygame.display.update()
- # while timeClock.get_time() <= 60000:
- # print(str(timeClock.get_time()))
- # if offLineMode == False:
- # data, address = s.recvfrom(1024)
- # process.Receive_BrainWave(nouha=data, key=mind, address=address)
- # elif choice == "sound" and mind != "neutral":
- # screen.fill(black)
- # if mind == "right":
- # pygame.mixer.music.load(filename_right)
- # pygame.mixer.music.rewind()
- # elif mind == "left":
- # pygame.mixer.music.load(filename_left)
- # pygame.mixer.music.rewind()
- # while pygame.mixer.music.get_busy():
- # print("Playing...")
- # if offLineMode == False:
- # data, address = s.recvfrom(1024)
- # process.Receive_BrainWave(nouha=data, key=mind, address=address)
- # elif choice == "task":
- # screen.fill(black)
- # instruction = random.choice(instructions[mind])
- # filename = ".\\" + mind + "_" + instruction + ".wav"
- # pygame.mixer.music.load(filename)
- # pygame.mixer.music.play()
- # text = instruction
- # print(f"[{time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}] {instruction}")
- # while pygame.mixer.music.get_busy():
- # print("Playing...")
- # while timeClock.get_time() <= 60000:
- # print(str(timeClock.get_time()))
- # if offLineMode == False:
- # data, address = s.recvfrom(1024)
- # process.Receive_BrainWave(nouha=data, key=mind, address=address)
- # #画面の更新
- # pygame.display.update()
- # pygame.time.wait(10000) #10秒間クールダウン
- # #終了イベント
- # for event in pygame.event.get():
- # if event.type == QUIT:
- # process.Receive_BrainWave(nouha=data, key=9, address=address)
- # pygame.quit()
- # sys.exit()